Atlas Campus Fellowship is the college ministry of Broadway Church of Christ.

We help college-aged students in Lubbock, Texas, make friends, connect with God, and prepare for their next adventure.

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Meet People

Make friends for your journey

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Ask Big Questions

Explore life and faith with others

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Find Direction

Get the tools you need to succeed


Weekly Gatherings

  • Wednesday Night Class - 6:30pm

  • Sunday Morning Class - 9:00am

  • Sunday Morning Church - 10:30am (At Broadway Church of Christ)


“Atlas is a community that truly feels like a family. I have found my home away from home!”

Lauren Settle, Junior

“A couple things I love about Atlas. First, it’s challenged me to help me grow and become more confident in my faith. Second, the tight-knit community has made it a really special place that feels like home, which has been especially nice for someone like me who’s pretty introverted and that doesn’t happen for very easily”

Todd McDoulett, Senior